I believe the answer is: Comparability
In accounting, comparability could be achieved if all companies in the word make their bookeeping accodring to one same international standard. This standard is most commonly known as international financial reporting standard (ifrs). Using this standard, people could subjectively measures companies performance.
<u>Task roles are the actions of group members that help to accomplish a task</u>.
One task role is initiator. The initiator proposes a task and suggests goals, procedures, and solutions.
He or she may say: Is it a good idea to start with….?
Another task role is information seeker. The information seeker asks for clarification, suggestion, and solutions.
He or she may say: What do you think of that problem?
<u>Maintenance roles are the actions of group members to maintain or preserve the relationship in a group. </u>
One maintenance role is harmonizer. Its role is mediating differences between other members, reducing tension, and solving disagreements.
For example: What can we all agree on?
Another maintenance role is gatekeeper. The gatekeeper facilitates the participation of other members and facilitates sharing ideas.
For example: Did you want to share something, John?
Homeostasis is important because it's an organisms known environment. Even if you were to alter the environment by a little, it would effect the organism greatly. For example, if a rainforest's temperature changed to be similar to that of a desert's, then the inhabitants of the rainforest would die due to them being unaware of how to survive and blend in the desert-like temperature. In short, changing an environment can eliminate a lot of known survival skills for organisms, such as camouflage.
D. National security was potentially threatened
During WWII Franklin Roosevelt ordered the detaining of the Japanese living in America regardless of their citizenship status. The Japanese were chastised by the American people are removed from their homes and placed in internment camps in the Western interior of the country. More that 100,000 Japanese, who were mostly from the West Coast were imprisoned because there was a widespread fear that they would betray the US after the Japanese government attacked Pearl Harbor.