They may be mentally ill and therefore unable to apply morality in a way that is generally accepted. They may not understand that what they are doing is bad - or there definition of good and bad does not follow the accepted norm.
They may be religious and follow rules or instructions that contradict the golden rule. As Steven Weinberg said “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”.
They may be acting under some duress. For example they may be forced to do something bad with the threat of something bad happening to them if they do not. A similar effect can occur when people are strongly indoctrinated with some idea - for example the effect that the Nazis had on the people of Germany.
I am sure there are more reasons I could think of if I thought about it for long enough. The point being that people do bad things for all sorts of reasons.
some of the colonies were in favor of slavery and others were opposed to it
Declaration of independence was one of the most important official document in the history of the United States of America This official document was used by the american colonies in their declaration of independence from the Britain
Although many people especially the African Americans expected the end of slavery at this time the Declaration of Independence does not directly address the issue of slavery His words on the Declaration of Independence, on of those who helped to create this document Thomas Jefferson, expressed the aspirations of the new nation. But the Declaration did not extend “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” to African Americans, and the people or men and women who had signed a contract by which they had agreed to work for a certain no. of years in exchange of transportation food, shelter and clothing
One Odysseus men here or eat it they can't leave the place and are trapped by booths majic