Creon exiled Oedipus from Thebes after Oedipus killed his father and married his mother
Some natural events that are problematic are earthquakes and hurricanes.The question that I have about earthquakes are how can we better measure them and how can we better predict and prepare for earthquakes. My questions about hurricanes are how can we prevent these hurricanes that mother nature has so gratefully provided us with and how can we prepare for these catastophic hurricanes.
Hope this helps!
someone who believes that they have no control over an inevitable future
The definition of a Fatalist is a person who believes that all events are inevitable, so one’s choices and actions make no difference. So the answer I pick is correct.
I think that it is mostly Jeannette that has a strong reaction to fire. After returning from the hospital, Jeannette becomes enthralled by fire. Her parents support this, insistent that she not be defeated or afraid of that which led to her injury. Not only does Jeannette resume cooking hot dogs on the stove (to the delight of her mother) but she also starts to steal her father’s matches.
Ruth (cuts) her children’s hair once a month. She (does) a good job.