Peace under Tokugawa - True
Conquerors of Korea - True
Replacement of cotton by hemp as the primary cloth used by the Japanese - True
Economic Integration - False
Japan was developed around 30,000 years ago by the people of the area. The people developed their own culture named as Jomon and resided in the area of Asia. There was peace agreement in Tokugawa and this was due to keep the Christians away from Japan. They used to wear hemp clothes which were stitched as aprons, jackets and other protective garments which help them cover their body.
1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. ... It is the first international treaty with a world-wide vocation focusing exclusively on the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflictThe Second Protocol complemented the 1954 Hague Convention, and aimed ... they had already been approved by Cabinet, and outlined that, in general, ... industries, increasing awareness of UCH and its tourism potential.Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural. Property in the ... development and sustainable tourism, and they ... outlined the programme. ... What is BSA's responsibility for Australia and influence across
The U.S President Theodore Roosevelt became acquainted with
the naturalist John Muir in 1903. Muir guided the President through the
Yosemite wilderness, and convinced him to establish the Yosemite National Park,
the first in the country. Muir opposed the damming of the Hetchy Hetchy Valley,
known for its granite formations, and wrote to Roosevelt against it. However,
Roosevelt’s successors, not Roosevelt, approved the dam. So the two did not had
a solid disagreement.