The text that supports the idea that Kovaloff is intimidated by his nose is: "you should know where you belong". The correct answer would be option A. Being intimidated is being frightened or not confident on a certain situation. In this case, this statement indicates that Kovaloff is indeed intimidated by his nose.
Tension and suspense are emotional, while mystery is intellectual. I'd say tension is the basic reason why you read on. It is the emotional reaction you get from the expectation to learn or experience something you care about. Suspense is effectively fear.
We have been asked not to have drama club meetings in the library common area. I say, how dare they restrict our freedom of speech! - straw man argument
I may not have a degree from my fancy college, but I know what’s right. - hasty generalization
I started playing Keno at six. You have to start young to get good at it. - ad homonym
My opponent is no patriot. Plain folks fallacy
Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. -either Dash or reasoning
D False Study is the correct answer