C. How to
It has to be, none of the rest fit.
Oh you can use a writing strategy that I use. I use RACE the R stands for restate. So restate the question you are given. A stands for answer, so you answer the question, but you can’t be specific. C stands for cite from the text. You use context clues to look for the answer and use that in you paragraph EX: In the text it says,”_____________________” and your done with C. E stands for explain. You explain why your answer can support many ideas and it starts with This shows,”___” so ya hope this can help!
The literary technique used in all three examples is <u>metaphor</u>.
<u>A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an indirect comparison. </u>Unlike a simile -- a direct comparison --, which uses the support words "as" or "like", a metaphor does not use any support words. It simply states that thing A is thing B, instead of thing A is like thing B. For example:
- Your eyes are like stars. -- simile
- Your eyes are stars. -- metaphor
The purpose of a metaphor is to attribute the characteristics of one thing to another by comparing them, even if in reality they are not similar at all. When I say someone's eyes are stars, I don't mean it literally, of course. I refer to their beautiful brightness.
<u>That is precisely what Douglass does in all three examples in the question. Slavery does not literally have bitter dregs. It is not a dark night. The vessels were not ghosts. Douglass is making these indirect comparisons to attribute characteristics of one thing to the other. On dark nights, we can feel scared, lost, hopeless. By saying slavery is a dark night, Douglass may mean slavery made him feel that way.</u>
Americans celebrate the fall season in many ways. One way people do this is through Halloween. This is true because according to the text "Everywhere you walk..you might wonder why pumpkins are appearing on you neighbors porches."
Wanna see how good you are at it or not, there trynna spit some game