Wastewater can contain physical, chemical and biological pollutants. Households may produce wastewater from flush toilets, sinks, dishwashers, washing machines, bath tubs, and showers. ... After treatment at a wastewater treatment plant, treated wastewater (also called effluent) is discharged to a receiving water body.
desertification is the cutting down of trees the best way to fight the cutting down of trees is to plant more in order for them to grow
B. when they impact Earth.
- Asteroids are minor planet type rocky masses that are broken off and found in the inner solar system and also been called the inner planetoids as they are orbiting around the sun. They are similar to comets based on surface features.
- Computerized methods are used to find out the presence of asteroids in the shy. The asteroid belt has tended to evolve in the nebula formation of the sun with the presence of heavy metals sinking in the ice cores leaving the rocky mineral in the crust. They are almost 1000 km to 1 meter wide and can be large as miniature planets
- However waste the majority of them are irregular in the shade the three largest asteroids are Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas that form a type of the dwarf planet.
Spartans lived in harsh conditions, without luxuries, to make them tough fighters. Historical accounts tell of Spartan boys as being allowed no shoes, very few clothes. Young Athenian boys were tutored at home until the age of six or seven , and while older boys were taught more military-type activities, such as running.