Answer: Srilankans use two main languages, Sinhala and Tamil both being the official languages.
The Columbian exchanged fostered massive changes in both the Americas and Europe.
For the Americas, the first, and most radical change was the decimation of the Native American population, due to the spread of diseases of Eurasian origin, such as measles and syphillis, for which the Native Americans did not have any defenses. According to some historians, the spread of this diseases killed up to 95% of the pre-columbian Native American population.
The second change is related to the first, and was the immigration of many Europeans to the Americas: Spaniards to Spanish Latin America, Portuguese to Portuguese Latin America, and so on.
A third change came from the introduction of Eurasian goods: from horses, to cows, to apples, to rice and wheat. This changed the lifestyle and diet of even Native Americans. For example, Native Americans in the United States adapted to the use of horses, which became a crucial part of their culture.
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Answer:Congress passed acts to increase both, Army and Navy. President Woodrow Wilson tried to keep his promise of maintaining a foreign policy of neutrality in the armed confrontation in Europe. He thought that was the best for the United States.
i know my history well
I'm a fan of historian Michael Wood! One of my favorite items from him was the BBC documentary series, "In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great."
The quote you mention from Wood comes from his historical researches regarding India. (You could also look for his BBC documentary series, "The Story of India.") The "rejection of a whole way of understanding history" was the way that Wood described the actions of Asoka (or Ashoka -- you'll see both spellings). Asoka was ruler from 268 to 232 BC of lands that would later become known as India. Asoka was a great conqueror but also someone who found enlightenment through Buddhism. After conquering the Kalinga region in eastern India, rather than feeling some great rush of pride or accomplishment because of their victory, Asoka felt guilty. So he worked hard to improve the lives of the Kalinga people that he had conquered. This was what Wood was referring to when he said Asoka's attitude/approach "was a rejection of a whole way of understanding history." Conquest was not something to be celebrated triumphantly. Rather, the conquerors had an obligation to those whom they had conquered.