They thought the british parliament shouldn’t have the right to tax them. the taxes of the stamp act were only allowed to be paid in silver.
<span>The occupation of Alcatraz begin to end when Yvonne Alverez, a thirteen year old young women fell to her death. After that, the occupation of Alcattraz starts its way towards the end. It is really a big happening towards Alcattraz.</span>
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One form of resistance was slowing down the picking of cotton. Slaves would intentionally go slower so that they could have an easier time in the fields. This was combatted by the Southern Plantation owners after a while by whipping the slaves severely during their first picks and then mandating that they had to pick at least as much cotton every time after.
Another form of resistance was to run away. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape to the north and to freedom.
The Compromise of 1877 ended the Reconstruction era with the withdraw of federal troops from the southern states.
The Purpose of Tuskegee University was to educate African Americans.
The dispute in the Presidential election during 1876 led the government to introduce the compromise of 1877. The Compromise was a deal between Democrats and the Republicans to settle election and end the Reconstruction in the South. In return, the Southern agreed to provide equal rights for African Americas with Rutherford Hayes as President of America.
The Tuskegee Institute was one of the first Training institutes opened for the African Americans in 1881. The slaves were freedmen but didn't have any skills and knowledge as free people. Schools set to support African Americans by providing them training in carpentry, brick making, agriculture, home economics, and to become teachers.