1. What would be a good counter-arguement for this Assertion?
Answer: A counterargument involves acknowledging standpoints that go against your argument and then re-affirming your argument. This is typically done by stating the opposing side's argument, and then ultimately presenting your argument as the most logical solution.
Explanation: i don't know the answer the second one
i try my best
have a nice day and hope this helps you
The correct answer is option B: People should try to be good
In this passage the aunt says that if they would not like her they would have not helped her but as a theme what this first statement shows us is that we have to help other no matter if we liked them or not.
First the answer for part A is B. Bricolage refers to ones ability to use only resources they have at the moment to overcome a challenge, often in a creative way. For part B, the answer is B which you can infer from the sentence: "They make the most of what they have, putting objects to unfamiliar uses."
A subject that is restricted on what it can tell you