1. the invasion of neutral Belgium and stories of German atrocities in the country which shocked and outraged the Americans
2. In May 1915, a German U-boat sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. Over 1,000 passengers were killed, including 128 Americans
3. In 1917, Germany sent a telegram to Mexico suggesting that if the US should declare war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on the US In return, Mexico would get back the territory lost in the Mexican-American War Unfortunately for Germany, the telegram was intercepted by the British and hurriedly given to the Americans
1,177 crewmen were killed
The deprivation of slum life and the continuing fear of NAZI terror made jews resistance very difficult and dangerous. NAZI had begun to practice it racial ideology where other races were looked down upon; the Jews were the primary target for NAZI. Jews were forcefully forced out of their civil jobs hence becoming the second class citizen. Their businesses were destroyed and forcing them into camps and ghettos were life was tough. in ghettos, Nazi sponsored all persecutions and mass murdering of Jews making their resistance almost impossible