you have to open the file explorer and disable the inheritance permission on file folder, you will also have to access the security tab access advanced key and disable inheritance
numMugs=input(); #take input from the user and store it on a numMugs variable.
print ('Number of mugs:'+numMugs) #print the numMugs variable value with the Number of mugs: line.
- If the input is 8 then the program is print Number of mugs: 8.
- If the input is 'Harry' then the program is print Number of mugs: Harry.
- The above program is in python language with the two statements one in input and the other is output.
- The first line takes input and stores it into a variable named "numMugs".
- The second line print the value as Number of mugs: value_of_numMugs.
- The above program works for any type of input. It can work for the string data type or integer data type or character data type or any other data type.
A structured query language (SQL) can be defined as a domain-specific language designed and developed for managing the various data saved in a relational or structured database.
In Computer programming, any word restricted for use, only in object names because they belong to the SQL programming language are called reserved word.
Hence, these reserved words can only be used as the name of an object but not as an identifier e.g the name of a function, label or variable.
Some examples of reserved words in structured query language (SQL) are UPDATE, GROUP, CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_DATE, CREATE, DELETE etc.
Hence, SQL allows the use of special operators in conjunction with the WHERE clause. A special operator used to check whether an attribute value matches a value contained within a subset of listed values is LIKE.
a. A syntax error occurs because the method signatures do not match.
The method signature does not match as the method argument is wrong and so the compiler would issue a syntax error. Trying to override an inherited method from a class and not getting the method syntax correct would mean that the overide operation would not be successful as there would be a syntax error therefore it is paramount that the method argument is properly inputted in the above statement in order to successfully overide the inherited class method.