Frying food in the pan is one of the most frequent ways to prepare food.
It's important that the pan is heated on the very high temperature. When it comes to the amount of oil, it's best that pan is coated with oil in a small amount. That way, the oil would give food a taste, it will protect the pan from burning, as too much oil on the high temperatures burns easily. Putting too much oil makes food greasy and besides from being unhealthy, it will give food a terrible taste.
I believe the correct answer is: song cycle.
The collection of art songs, unified
by poet, narrative, musical style, or composer are called song cycle or program
music for instrumental music associated with story, poem, idea, or scene. First
song cycle was “Il Canzoniere” or “Rime Sparse” written by Italian humanist
poet Francesco Petrarca to his belove Laura.
It would be by the artiest who made its name (signature)
B Fashion trends, it's the only thing they all follow and have in common