Chapter Two
Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday. Tomorrow will be Friday. My favorite day is friday. Today it's cloudy. It looks like it's going to rain. It's cool and it's windy. It is a normal fall day. It is not summer, it is not spring and it is not winter.
-Hello Felipe! - says Lorenzo.
-Good morning Lorenzo! - I answer.
-How are you? How are you? - says Lorenzo.
-Fine thanks! And you? - I respond.
-Bad- says Lorenzo
¿Dónde? Where?
¿Adónde? To where? , and
Es, esta
Ser describes what she is, a secretary.
Estar tells where she is, in the office.
La bandera es roja, azul, y blanca. Tiene una franja roja en el centro entre dos blancas y a cada una de las cuales les sigue una azul.