Loss of lands, loss of trade, some gains in health and literacy
The direct European colonization of Africa started in the late nineteenth century and lasted till the late twentieth century. It was termed New Imperialism and it resulted in different outcomes for the continent.
However majorly, the European colonization of Africa resulted in "Loss of lands, loss of trade, some gains in health and literacy."
This is because, during this period, it was the Europeans that were controlling the African lands and its resources, including its trades.
However, the Africans were exposed and gain better health facilities and were educated in western education.
Because that is where scientists believe the first humans originated from, and where the earliest civilizations started.
The Danube River, Carpathian Mountains, Rhine River, & Atlantic Ocean.
The borders of the Roman Empire, which fluctuated throughout the empire's history, were a combination of natural frontiers (the Rhine and Danube rivers to the north and east, the Atlantic to the west, and deserts to the south) and man-made fortifications which separated the lands of the empire from the "barbarian"
The surplus also helped Rome to establish trade ties with other Mediterranean powers, enhancing the city's economic might.
Rich volcanic soil makes the Po and Tiber river valleys ideally suited for agriculture. Historian Mike Anderson notes that volcanic ash made the soil near Rome some of the best in all of Europe. ... The surplus also helped Rome to establish trade ties with other Mediterranean powers, enhancing the city's economic might.
Coastline can be used for fishing (I think that the coast could be used for trading overseas.)