I'm not sure of this question, yet i know you may get angry but, just know your loved and if going through a hard time i'm so so sorry, i know how it feels it sucks. take care of yourself, drink water, listen to that one song that makes you dance in your room and go do what YOU love. your beautiful your perfect and dont listen to what anyone says. i love u, everyone loves u, i know its scary but it happens to everyone life isnt a peice of cake unfortunatly and it sucks but woahh your strong! if you need someone to talk to leave a comment below, happy hoildays everyone!
P.S, im looking into the answer of this question. I may not answer it right on time (since i'm not the smartest...) but i promise ill try my best! Also, i am not doing this for points im doing this to make others smile. I hate how no one checks up on anyone, lots of people are going through a stressful time (including me) and i just want to let everyone know that its okay not to be okay! I hope that you all find happiness in every possible situation, once again HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
What class is this for? When is it due?
Toote khaab......by armaan malik...his voice satisfies my ears!!!
The meaning is that being positive will get to a lot more places and you will get more things being positive. If ur negative all the time u will amount to nothing.
<u>The</u> thesis Julio presents effectively is (B) Many folk tales are not happy children's stories but dark, realistic tales.
Julio tells us tales that are often harmless and enjoyed by kids. The tales are filled with magic in which good wins and evil is always defeated at the end.
But the “original folk tales” represent the reality of life. They show about hunger, death and everyday struggles of people. They show real feelings of people. Julio says that all these original tales are always true and dark but some of them might be. Example of such story is when Cindrella’s step sisters cut their toe finger to fit in the shoe.