Look at the painting by Duchamp, entitled Nude Descending a
Staircase No.2 . The repetition and shifting diagonal lines creates a sense of mechanistic motion of a nude, with
superimposed facets, similar to motion pictures. It shows elements of both the
fragmentation and synthesis of the Cubists, and the movement and dynamism of
the Futurists.
The name of the painting above is called The Tempest.
The answer is Red-Figure Styling
The explanation is because the vase is being described with characters in red.
Both involve transmitting data through radio signals.
WiFi works on a rather high frequency compared to traditional radio. The higher frequency of Wifi makes it ideal for short range data transfer. There is a lot of bandwidth for data, but it's short ranged.
Radio waves are on a much lower frequency compared to WiFi. The lower frequency of radio makes it ideal for long range simple data transfer. This means only basic things can be transmitted, like voice. It would not be ideal for browsing the internet, loading images, watching videos, etc.