- He describes his experiences on the platform simply, in order to avoid bias and sentimentality
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave was distributed in 1845, under seven years after Douglass got away from subjection. The book was a moment achievement, selling 4,500 duplicates in the initial four months. For a mind-blowing duration, Douglass kept on reexamining and extend his personal history, distributing a second form in 1855 as My Bondage and My Freedom. The third form of Douglass' self-portrayal was distributed in 1881 as Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, and an extended variant of Life and Times was distributed in 1892. These different retellings of Douglass' story all start with his introduction to the world and youth, yet each new form underlines the common impact and close connection of Douglass' existence with key events in American history.
If you are in a fire you shall go to your meeting place,if you have one.If you are on fire you shall stop drop and roll!!Hope this helps
1.Why wasn't >he< invited to Anila's party? The underline word is he which is nominative since he was used as the subject of the sentence.
The answer is C
2. I hope Alina left >me< directions to her house.The underline word is me which is objective as it is a personal pronoun.
The answer is A. O
3.My sister will pick >us< up after Alina's party.
The underline work is us which is also objective.
The answer is B. O