Anemia is a condition where there is deficiency in healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin resulting in pallor or weakness. It results in low level of hemoglobin which is the protein that transports oxygen around the body. Lack of oxygen in the body will result to weakness, shortness of breath and dizziness. Nikoleta's symptoms of malaise, lethargy and being tired is usually caused by too much work of the heart. In anemic patient, the heart has to pump faster than normal because it has to supply red blood cells around the body. Since the heart is working double-time, it usually results to being tired, lethargic and malaise of the person with anemia. Nikoleta's pale skin is attributed also on the fact that she has low supply of red blood cells around the body. If Nikoleta is lethargic and always tired, little things may irritate her immediately, hence, her being cranky
50% chance of blood type A
50% chance blood type B
Answer: d. the wind
Wind is not a land resource. It is the natural movement of air across the earth surface. Wind is also considered as movement of gases present in the atmosphere. The strength and direction of wind can be measured. It is a atmospheric resource. Wind produces as a result of difference in the atmospheric pressure. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exist air moves from region of high pressure to low pressure area. Wind energy is renewable source of energy can be used to produce electrical energy.
I’d say it’s the first one and it’s not even the first one probably than the last one
<span>Answer: Biodiversity</span>
The suppression of forest fires causes a decrease in biodiversity because
some habitats require exposure to fire. Most ecosystems of savanna, chaparral
and coniferous forests have developed with fire as an essential contributor to habitat’s vigor
and regeneration.
Additionally, wildfire suppression eliminates plant species
in fire-affected environments that require fire to germinate, established, or to
reproduce. Also, animals that depend on these plants will be affected too.