Discuss the life in the cold regions, ask them about life, food and survival, talk about environmental issues and nature
Some of the <u>questions </u>would be
How is life in the very cold, winery place?
What do they eat?
Are they ever cold? If they are, how do they get warmer? If they are not, why is that so?
Who are their friends?
Would they like to visit warmer regions?
Things you could <u>discuss </u>with these animals:
Penguins live around Antarctica, while artic fox and polar bear live near the North pole – <u>you could discuss the differences of life on the northern and southern pole. </u>
What are the <u>different ways in which they survive </u>and feed themselves?
Discuss the<u> environmental issues</u> and problems of nature. Do they feel the effects of pollution and climate change? How do they deal with it? What are some of their suggestions to help them?
Discuss the <u>benefits of the cold and the beautiful things about the snow, ice, and cold weather. </u>