The women's section of the synagogue is called the Ezrat Nashim ( עזרת נשים, women's courtyard) after a similar area in the Temple in Jerusalem. In Ashkenazic European synagogues, the women's section or annex was called the weibershul.
1. Indo-Aryans
2. Dravidians
3. Mongoloid and Other Minority Groups
Your answer is C. a greater industrial capacity for manufacturing weapons
The role of the emperor in the new government was largely
ceremonial and involved acting as a symbol of the state and the unity of the
people. Under Japan’s new constitution new constitution, drafted by U.S. occupation
authorities in 1946 and in effect from 1947, Japan became a constitutional
monarchy. Sovereignty resided in the people and the powers of
the Emperor were severely limited.
your answer is A. convince Americans to support the war effort by taking certain action's