water colour wash
Wet-in-wet painting
One tip for any watercolor wash: If you notice a mistake in a previous stroke, don’t try to fix it. Once the wash has started to dry, a new stroke will almost definitely be more noticeable than any small mistake. It’s best to leave these happy little accidents as they are.
Wet-in-wet painting is one of the most basic techniques — so basic you might have already done it before without realizing it!
In plastic art, relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background.
I think true. There wasn't enough info to go off of.
In shaping a movie’s mise-en-scene, filmmakers determine two aspects of (a) composition(b) Framing (what we (c) see on the screen) and (d) Kinesis (what (e) Moves on the screen).
The phrase "mise en scène" (literally, "the activity of putting onto the stage") is French. The phrase was first used in stage play, where it described the placement of performers and set pieces; when its use spread to other storytelling arts, however, its meaning changed.
Design and composition are the two main visual elements of mise-en-scène: Design is the technique used to choose how the locations, accessories, lighting, and performers will appear. The overall design is influenced by the stage design, décor, prop choice, lighting setup, costume, make-up, and haircut choices.
to learn more about mise-en-scene here
<h2><em><u>hello my name luhnya how ur day i see yhu meet my frannnd lisa well my day great im bored finishing up work for the last minute!!! :DDD</u></em></h2>