A family is a social group of people who stay together under the same roof in a society. It comprises two or more adults like parents and grandparents and young children who are bound in a relationship by birth or blood. They are collectively known as family members. Each family member is committed to each other in a mutual relationship. A family holds a special place in the life of an individual and the society in which he/she lives.
A good graphic organizer to use is a Venn Diagram. Venn Diagram uses circles that intersect to show similarities and differences.
Similarities are placed in the area where the circles intersect and differences is then placed in the outer circles.
It's number of dollars found in Shawn's pocket
In the context, the author speaks of a number 7 in the story. Shawn the main protagonist of the story while wearing his jacket finds some money in the pocket of his jacket. He found 7 dollars of money in the pocket. After getting the money he was very happy and was singing and dancing with joy. He planned on how he was going to spend the money that he got accidentally in his pocket of the jacket.