It would make sense that Oberon thought of Cupid to help Titania fall in love because Cupid is known for helping people become in love with a shot of an arrow. (or powers)
When Oberon thought of Cupid the idea pop up to Cupid could help force Titana to fall in with the beast thinking that Titania couldnt be forced any other way.
They were arguing but she was secretly enjoying it because she likes the attention and someone who won't back down to her.
Answer: The right statement is the D) It may be divided into acts and scenes.
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that the script of a play is the text, in written, that is going to be spoken or said in a play. It includes the names of the characters, but it is not properly a list of them. In addition, it may include explanations and indications about certain design elements—the specific atmosphere of a place, for instance—but that is not its main purpose. However, for the sake of organization and easy reference, it may divided into acts and scenes, each one of them including a specific portion of the written text.
In a text i read your answer is "The purpose of an Argumentative Essay is to defend a debatable position on a particular issue with the ultimate goal of persuading readers to accept the argument."
Have a nice day stranger!