<span>The key benefit of the government investing in innovation is a long-term financial commitment. Long-term debts are known as long-term loans it consists of loans and financial obligations lasting over one year, it demands exquisite care, concern, and planning before you undertake them. </span>
There are around 14 States that are present on the east coast of the United States which means the states considered lie around the Atlantic Ocean. The East Coast States have some very popular States in them like New York City.
Some of the East Coast States are named as Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Georgia, Florida, Connecticut, North and South Carolina, Massachusetts, Maine, Delaware and Virginia are included in them.
They served with the Confederacy because they believed that the Confederacy fought the big central government that was being imposed by the Union and they wanted to fight this so as to keep sovereignty over their own land. They believed that the Union government didn't care about them while the Confederacy would give them room to breathe.
Because Nixon was scared of the Soviets.