Explain the significance of Gregor’s focusing solely on how his inability to go to work will affect his family, rather than on t
he fact of his transformation. Kafka often uses language crafted in a peculiar, yet methodical way. His use of round-about ways of saying things is not due to his inability to write clearly, but rather carries with it some intended meaning. In the following sentence: "At the same moment, however, he didn’t forget now and then to remember that the calm and calmest contemplation would be much better than desperate conclusions," what does the choice of language in this passage serve to illustrate?
Kafka uses peculiar and round-about ways of saying things when talking about Gregor in order to convey the complications that Gregor's personality presents. Gregor is a man who is completely controlled by the expectations that society and his family have of him. He knows that he should work hard, be responsible, sacrifice everything for his family and be the breadwinner. These are the expectations that dominate his whole life. The reason why he is so overwhelmed by them is because these stem from his social context, and not from his personal goals or dreams.
Kafka choice of language in this passage reflects this feeling. Gregor is constantly doing what he <em>ought</em> to do, and not what he <em>wants</em> to do or what he believes in. Even when going through extremely frightening and confusing situations, he remembers that what he ought to do is remain calm. And he strives to satisfy this expectation, regardless of what his true feelings might be.
It is a tricky question, but from our current standing, we aren't close. Sure, we might lower the starvation rate, but it's most likely not going to end.
Advantage: You don’t have to wake up extra early to go into work. Disadvantage: Before, we were always on a schedule. Now, you/we may not be running on one since we are at home.