They decided to leave Alba Longa and were searching for a new place to settle and to create their own city. In that process they had certain disagreements, which led at the end to the death of Remus and foundation of the city of Rome.
Brothers could not agree where the city should be built. During the quarrel Romulus killed Remus. From this period on Romulus reigned as the first king of Rome.
Answer: changes in structure
Pauline Boss describes stress that occurs in families when a member is added or subtracted as normative stress due to changes in structure. Families continuously change structure over time due to births or adoptions, deaths, and marriages and this can create a shifting reality of who belongs to the family or not.
While some families handle this change in structure well, others cannot cope and may spiral into dysfunction.
HDI refers to Human Development Index and it’s a measure of the key elements and areas of how citizens of the country develop. These can be measured through their average income, health care etc.
China- 0.761 85th
USA - 0.926 17th
Japan- 0.919 19th
UK- 0.932 13th
Saudi Arabia- 0.854 40th
Iraq- 0.674 123rd
They probably like gold as a show of status and showing of the money to be people as like a sign that they are rich