Mostly firewalls may protect trace route to the host IP address.
When telnet has established the connection to a remote host. Then kindly check the host IP address and their gateway settings.
If any resident firewall such as antivirus is stopping the ping method or gate way firewall is protecting both ends during trace route. Once the connection is established don’t worry about trace route on host IP address.
Kindly check where the disconnections happens during the trace route. in case it happens in between then they're stability on the connection issue which should be solved immediately.
I would recommend the cloud because they can access their data on every single device. There are virtually no disadvantages to the cloud.
Hope this helps.
"My 2 in 1 laptop/tablet goes black and does this weird glitching thing..."
2-in-1 has a bunch of connections bet the keyboard n screen. its weaker than a laptop cuz' the keyboard is detachable. bad news if u have a flaky connection there.
if its brand new or under warranty, i wuld send it back. good luck!
The window operating system is popularly known as a graphical user interface(GUI)
older operating systems were command line based but window uses a gui