true if right please mark as brainly
Answer: Cattle - Europe / Corn - America / Deadly Diseases - Europe / Tomatoes - America / Gold and Silver - Europe.
- Indigenous tribes did not know the livestock that had been domesticated by Europeans in the ancient world. Most of these animals have been a source of nutrition for Europeans for centuries, and for example, the horse has played multiple roles in war, commerce, land cultivation, etc. Bears and moose, on the other hand, were not part of the European table anyway. Of the more significant animals that became part of the European table and came from America is turkey.
- The corn is native to America. Even if Europeans domesticated several plant species, corn was unknown to the conquerors. Shortly after the discovery of the new continent, this variety will become more intensively exported to Europe and become part of the diet of both humans and animals. Many of the varieties that came from America to Europe seemed ridiculous to European nations, as was the case with corn.
- Deadly diseases were brought to America on colonial ships. Europe was much more populated than America during that period. Also, urbanization has taken a lot of momentum in Europe, so big cities are emerging. However, poor sewage systems and generally, poor hygiene have led to various diseases. These deadly diseases will also spread to the Native American population. Many tribes will decimate it.
- Tomato is a plant originating in South America. In Europe, like some other species, until the discovery of America, it was unknown. Tomatoes are mostly grown in warm places. Arriving in Europe, this plant has gained considerable popularity.
- Mining has come from Europe to America. Indigenous tribes did not thus exploit natural resources. On the other hand, European man has always known the value of precious metals since ancient times. With the discovery of a new continent, America was found to be extremely rich in these metals, so more intensive exploration of minerals and the enrichment of colonizers began at the expense of America.
Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution provides that the President shall appoint officers of the United States “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate.” This report describes the process by which the Senate provides advice and consent on presidential nominations, including receipt and referral of nominations, committee practices, and floor procedure.
Committees play the central role in the process through investigations and hearings. Senate Rule XXXI provides that nominations shall be referred to appropriate committees “unless otherwise ordered.” Most nominations are referred, although a Senate standing order provides that some “privileged” nominations to specified positions will not be referred unless requested by a Senator. The Senate rule concerning committee jurisdictions (Rule XXV) broadly defines issue areas for committees, and the same jurisdictional statements generally apply to nominations as well as legislation. A committee often gathers information about a nominee either before or instead of a formal hearing. A committee considering a nomination has four options. It can report the nomination to the Senate favorably, unfavorably, or without recommendation, or it can choose to take no action. It is more common for a committee to take no action on a nomination than to reject a nominee outright.
The mountain ranges on Southeast Asia's mainland shaped the history of the region because the mountains separated the mainland from the rest of Asia and isolated early societies. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "A".
I believe it's "<span>it breaks the social contract and people can create a new government."</span>