It was either forgotten completely or claimed by Queen Isabelle and King Ferdinand of Spain. However, big palaces like the Alhambra are still standing today in Granada, Spain and various other cities.

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Musical Instruments: History, Technology, and Performance of Instruments of ...
By Professor of Musical Acoustics Murray Campbell, Murray Campbell, Clive A. Greated, Arnold Myers, Senior Lecturer in Music and Director Arnold Myers
<span>They differ in their approaches in the way that they they
depicted space in their paintings since Picasso, space is fragmented and
discontinuous while Hopper is known for his brilliant, clean use of color and
strong and almost treatical lighting. In addition, Hopper showed the same
dramatic light and the image is built from crosshatched lines and it is
relating to Rembrandt’s moody etchings in his black and white etchings. </span>