On passait
On faisait
On jouait
On allait
On passe
On fait
On joue
On reste
On écoute
J'aimais / je n'aimais pas ..
J'aimais / je détestais...
J'étais/ je n'étais pas ...
J'avais / je n'avais pas ...
Je disais/ je ne disais pas ...
Je pleurais/ je ne pleurais pas...
à toi pour les réponses.
I detest...
I like to listen to...
I watch from time to time...
I always eat...
I sometimes study...
In this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the galaxy NGC 4380 looks like a special effect straight out of a science fiction or fantasy film, swirling like a gaping portal to another dimension.
In the grand scheme of things, though, the galaxy is actually quite ordinary. Spiral galaxies like NGC 4380 are common in the universe. These colossal collections of stars, often numbering in the hundreds of billions, are shaped like a flat disk, sometimes with a rounded bulge in the center. Graceful spiral arms outlined by dark lanes of dust wind around the bulging core, which glows brightly and has the highest concentration of stars in the galaxy.
Who is studying? - Anne et Slyvie
Who is eating? - Madame Martin, and Monsleur Laurent
Who is arriving? - Andre
Who is meeting Dlder - Andre
Vocab words in english:
arriver - to arrive
etudiar - to study
partager - to share
chercher - to look for
manger - to eat
recontrer - to meet
dessiner - to design
oublier - to forget
Hope this helped!