The grain size
The grain size can provide lot of clues for us when it comes to the formation of the rocks, the conditions in which they formed, and even what happened after their initial formation. The reason for this is that the grains vary in size and shape depending on the conditions in which the rocks formed. If the magma/lava cooled of quickly, the grains will be very small, almost unnoticeable, and that is a sign that the cooling appeared on the surface, very close to it, or in the presence of water. On the other hand, if the magma cooled slowly, the grains will be large and well defined, and that is a sign that the magma was cooling off slowly, deep into the crust, where there's higher temperature and pressure.
The lowland areas of Latin America are very important because of multiple reasons. The majority of the agriculture and farming of animals is taking place in the areas like this, so the food sector is directly connected with them. On top of the agricultural production, these lowlands produce a lot of food on their own. The industries that use as their main material also are directly dependent on these lowlands, as they are mostly covered with numerous types of high quality tropical tree species. There's thousands of species of plants that are used in the medicine, so the pharmacies are also very dependent on them. All in all, these lowlands managed to contribute a lot in the economy, health, and general well being of the Latin American countries.
Countries are located near a major trade route at an economic advantage because of more variety of goods available for consumers. Better quality of goods. Competition both at the international level as well as local level.
Valleys carved by glaciers is “U” and valleys carved by water is “V”