Answer is; April shower brings may flowers.
The French phrase means after the rain, the sun come out.
Les bonbons sont des aliments peu nutritifs.
Pourquoi means why. Je suis is passe compose in etre. Une pomme de terre means potato. You NEED a verb.(Ex. Je suis couper le pomme de terre.) I cut the potato. Plus you need to know when to use passe compse avoir and etre. As well as Imparfait if you are talking about the past. Trust me I am in french 3.
Professeur = teacher
désorganisé = disorganized
brillant = shiny
The main function of appetizers is to increase your hunger and prepare you for the main course. The flavors of the appetizers are often coordinated with the flavors of the main dish in a meal because appetizers are the first food that is used to us give an idea about the main course.