Nobody knew where they were. Nobody had an idea as to when they disappeared. Everyone was worried that they had been kidnapped by someone evil. Leo, Carlos, and Zealand have been reported missing since las saturday but nobody knows for sure when they disappeared. The police made search parties to help find them. Many suspected that they went too deep into the forest and got lost. A woman, in her late 70's told the policemen that anyone who goes too deep in the forest at night, never gets found. The policemen didn't listen to her, because everyone knew her as "Crazy Maylie". Something they didnt know that I knew was that for once, she was right. the stories have it that anyone who dares roam too deep into the lakewood forest after 12am, never make it out. I being who I am, decided to test the theory. I packed 3 puddings, vanilla flavored. I packed a sandwich, a galon of water and a whistle, in case I was lost. At 1:26 in the morning, I started to head into the Lakewood forest. I walked, in complete darkness. Only the moon provided a bit of light. My phone lost signal and my flashlight wouldnt turn on after I reached a certain depth of the forest. My mom must have found out by now that im missing. But I didn't care. I wanted to be the hero and save my friends.
The Eloi lacked most of the qualities that members of the Victorian aristocratic class prided themselves on and considered superior, such as intelligence, strength, and creativity. The Time Traveller initially tries to explain away the apparent contradiction between the Eloi’s successe as the surviving species and their lack of intelligence using the theory of evolution. Being unaware of the true nature of the Morlocks, he theorizes that the Eloi have adapted to a life without danger or disease and have no need for any kind of work.
Wells explains how a human from his own time who is intelligent, strong, and had emotions would be a hindrance to the existing social order of the world of the Eloi. In this way he clarifies to the audience that evolution is just a response to the changing surroundings, which would not necessarily make a species better; evolution would only make a species better suited to its environment. He thereby strongly critiques social Darwinism, which based many of its principals on a flawed understanding of the theory of evolution. Instead, he suggest that the successful species is not necessarily the “best” species. In the same way, he suggest that the aristocratic class at the top of the social order is not necessarily better than the working class, intellectually or biologically.
Quiet neighborhood
What would you prefer? A busy city or a quiet neighborhood. This is a question that may trouble your brain. In my opinion, both of these have their pros and cons. A city with commercial needs and daily life resources is hustling and busy. In contrast, a quiet neighborhood is where you can observe the beautiful greenery and nature around you, and go around with your daily work without any disturbance. Living in a city, there are many cons such as the city has many factories which can cause health issues but in a quiet neighborhood, you can live a healthy life but the con is that the neighborhoods are mostly away from the main civilization. Cities generally have better infrastructure, an education system, and advanced health care facilities. You get to meet people from all walks of life, and learn to coexist with people from different ethnicity, race, caste, and culture; hence you become more tolerant, and open-minded and start respecting each other differences. Whereas countryside people are less tolerant, the caste system still prevails and the powers lie with a certain group of people.
An apostrophe is used when you want to do one of the following: show possession, when changing a single noun to its plural form and when you are using contractions, or contracted words, like it and is. In this particular case, we have two cases in which we need to use apostrophes. The first is the use of the last name of two subjects. This last name is, in its singular form, Smith, but because we are talking about more than one (plural), we need to change the singular word into its plural form. To do this, we add the apostrophe after the H and add an s. This shows the plural form. Also, we have a contracted word, it and is. The correct way to show the contraction is by using an apostrophe between the original word (it) and to signify the presence of is adjoined to it, we add an apostrophe and we add the "s" after it. This is why the correct answer is A.