Confidence means that you have the guts to do something, like to ask someone out or to fight someone.
Nope. That is considered a fragment.
The subject is present: A bushy, overgrown hedge [located] along the fence.
This can't be complete, however, because there is no verb and such to explain much else.
A complete sentence could be "A busy, overgrown hedge along the fence caught my attention."
*caught is a verb.
As the early explorers began leaving Europe and discovering new lands they were filled with awe and excitement. These explorers had never seen such pristine landscapes, which appeared to be untouched. Nature had an important role in what was to become known as ‘The New World.’ The early explorers and settlers were greatly affected by nature both in positive and negative ways.Often as people traveled across ocean they fell ill from disease and famine, for the voyages were long and difficult. Many lost their lives as a result of the lack of food, fresh water and exposure, either during the voyage or soon after.
Ok now I see what you mean.
Bella: Hey Darnell how are you doing?
Darnell: I'm doing ok...
Ariel: Are you sure you seem a little down.
Darnell: Well now that you've brought it up..
Bella: Yea?
Darnell: Yesterday they held basketball tryouts for the new team.
Ariel: Mhm?
Darnell: Well I've always wanted to be on a team, so I tried out.
Bella: And then?...
Darnell: Well today I got the news that I didn't make the team.
Ariel: What?! Why not?! I've seen you play and you are amazing!
Bella: Yea me too!
Darnell: Well I guess I wasn't good enough for coach.
Ariel: Well don't let him bring you down! Let's go play at the park!
Bella: Ooohh yea that sounds fun!
Darnell: Alright let's go!
Narrator: Bella, Ariel, and Darnell started playing basketball at the park everyday after school to get Darnell practiced. Then the next year tryouts were held for the team Darnell tried again and got on the team! You see practice makes perfect!
It's a normal part of life but it really sucks when it happens.