Hoy por la mañana fui a un restaurante y pedí un corte de carne en termino medio, a lo cual el mesero me recomendó que fuese en termino tres cuartos pues al chef le quedaba exquisito en ese termino por lo cual preferí tomar la sugerencia del mesero. Una vez que me lo sirvieron, lo probé, me gusto y entonces escogí un buen vino tinto para acompañar la carne, el mesero me dio a escoger alguno de la cava, conseguí que el mesero me trajera un excelente vino.
<h3>SHORT ANSWER: In the space provided, make the possessive pronoun agree in gender and number with the noun. Type your answer in Spanish.</h3><h3>El mío</h3>
1. Cafetería
Answer 1: La mía.
"Cafetería" is a feminine, singular noun, so its pronoun must agree. Mía.
2. Clases
Answer 2: Las mías.
"Clases" is a feminine, plural noun, so its pronoun must agree. Mías
3. Sombrero
Answer 3: El mío.
"Sombrero" is a masculine, singular noun, so its pronoun must agree. Mío.
don't forget the backpack
The first one is Today is Saturday, June 25 in Havana, Cuba; The weather is hot and sunny.
the second one is Today is Saturday, June 25 in Bogota, Colombia; The weather is very cloudy and good weather.
the third one is Today is Saturday June 25th in Madrid, Spain; The weather is cold and raining.
the fourth one is Today is Saturday, June 25 in Buenos Aires, Argentina; The weather is windy and cool.
the fifth one is Today is Saturday, June 25 in Miramar, Florida; The weather is partly cloudy and snowy.
you got it right if thats what you wanted to translate. hope i helped.