More American soldiers died from diseases like yellow fever and malaria than were killed in the battle
Conditions there were favorable to emigration
No because the people of the US protested against the violence with the Viatnamese and protested that the military withdrawal their troops from there lands.
Ok so i only know question 1-2 the rest is based on facts and your opinion.
1. Monroe doctrine was a doctrine claiming that European countries can not colonize beyond the western side *our side*.- This happened because the queen was shook of how fast we were growing as a country and that we are trying to get in their level and they were kinda scared
2. what there trying to say is "If you mess with any of these smaller islands *Cuba,Puerto rico, etc." You are going to mess with us.
The group that committed violence against African American in the late 1800s and the early 1900s was white supremacists They are known by the KKK. Back in those days, they would lynch people by hanging.