“Bertha was rather sorry to find that there were no flowers in the park. She had promised her aunts, with tears in her eyes, tha
t she would not pick any of the kind Prince’s flowers, and she had meant to keep her promise, so of course it made her feel silly to find that there were no flowers to pick.” “Why weren’t there any flowers?” “Because the pigs had eaten them all,” said the bachelor promptly. “The gardeners had told the Prince that you couldn’t have pigs and flowers, so he decided to have pigs and no flowers.” There was a murmur of approval at the excellence of the Prince’s decision; so many people would have decided the other way. –“The Storyteller,” Saki What examples of irony does Saki use to create satire? Check all that apply. Bertha feels lonely. The pigs ate the flowers. Bertha is sad that she will not be tempted. Pigs are more important than flowers. The children take the silly story seriously.
The examples of irony that saki uses to create satire are:
* Bertha is sad that she will not be tempted.
* Pigs are more important than flowers.
In this excerpt from "The Storyteller" by Saki (H.H. Munro), Bertha mentions her deception when she arrived at a flowerless park while she was expecting to arrive at a park with lots and lots of flowers, this contains irony since she even promise not to take any of those flowers, so she would not be tempted to take them if they did not exist, the second line of irony is about the decision of keeping the pigs instead of the beautiful flowers in a garden since that's what whoever who has a garden would do.
male and female genitalia, both are internal and external are different. the levels and types of hormones present in male and female bodies are different