The correct option is D = regionNumber
In this scenario we want to know customers who owe more than $1000 each, in each of 12 sales regions. And the customer data variables include name, zip-code, balanceDue and regionNumber; based on the customer data variables names and zip-code will not really affect our output. It is based on balanceDue that we increment the number of customer owing in a particular region (regionNumber).
Therefore, we would add 1 to an array element whose subscript would be represented by regionNumber since we are interested to know the number of customer owing in each of the 12 sales regions.
Yes I believe so
It should be acked up on the hard drive
Al hablar de entornos digitales de enseñanza y aprendizaje, la frase apunta al avenimiento de medios informáticos y tecnológicos al proceso metodológico de enseñanza de los distintos sistemas educativos a nivel mundial.
Así, la irrupción del internet como medio de búsqueda de información y las herramientas digitales como vídeos, diapositivas y libros electrónicos como métodos de presentación de información han facilitado el acceso de los alumnos y docentes al conocimiento a través de la generación de un entorno digital que permite a estos un acceso mas rápido y abarcativo al conocimiento.
1100110-101101 = 111001 = 57
import numpy as np
l_int = 55/100
h_int = 65/100
hist = np.histogram( paid_tax_preparers_list, bins=5, range=(l_int, h_int))
Numpy is a Python package used to ease mathematical and statistical research calculations. The package creates data structures called arrays that can be used as vector items, making it easy and fast for calculation to be done.
The np.histogram method is used to create or plot histograms of a list or array against the frequency of the items in the array. The bins and the range attributes are used to adjust the display of the histogram, with bins being the number of bin in the graph and range is the given length of the histogram.