Slab City, also called The Slabs, is a largely snowbird community in the Sonoran Desert located in Imperial County, California, 100 miles northeast of San Diego and 169 miles southeast of Los Angeles within the California Badlands, and used by recreational vehicle owners and squatters from across North America
In A the author in only affirming a fact. In C he describes some remembrance and in D he is declaring something positive about his soul and overcoming hesitation. But in B he mentions <em>"darkness", "peering" "wondering</em>" and <em>"fearing"</em>, all leading to to anxiety and making the reader keep interest and antecipation for the outcome.
The correct answer is B
My alter ego would be someone that takes the personality traits of buddy love. He would be handsome, lovable, wher as his true self is Jim carry as the nutty professor.
(Honestly why are you asking such a question?)
the N is in the bottom right and from there you'll see the word oven
The answer to this question is : There is no end to the logical fallacies that he has shared with us today. In fact, I would imagine that nothing in this speech was factually credible.