The use of contractions and colloquial 'slang' implies a writer, or persona adopted by the writer, that doesn't have a great deal in the ways of education, he/she appears to be writing things as they are said rather than how we as an audience know them to be spelt. This can be shown by quoting any contraction or wherever there's an amendment to the text, for example "hender" instead of "hinder".
<span>The use of nature also implies the simpleness of the two characters, by using the stream imagery it gives quite a straightforward steady approach, more gentle than say a river but still pretty much in that ideal</span>
In my opinion, the phrases that contribute to the carpe diem perspective are: A “let us sport us while we may” and <span>C “at once our time devour”. Carpe diem means "Seize the day". As a philosophy, it argues that we should make the most of this moment, right here, right now, as we can't do much about the future. Death and misery are going to happen anyway, so why trouble ourselves with them now? This is exactly what the A phrase says, whereas the C phrase says something similar: let's enjoy as much as we can.</span>
I would say that if a reader understand an author's culture it helps the reader understand what the point the author is trying to make.