We walked to the park- walked (simple predicate), walked to the park (complete predicate)
My brother Ken collects old stamps- collects (simple predicate), collects old stamps (complete predicate)
I cooked a delicious meal- cooked (simple predicate), cooked a delicious meal (complete predicate)
Mom works hard all day- works (simple predicate), works hard all day (complete predicate)
The shy rabbit hopped away quickly- hopped (simple predicate), hopped away quickly (complete predicate)
Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. ... People also can reduce the impact of disasters (flood proofing, elevating a home or moving a home out of harm's way, and securing items that could shake loose in an earthquake) and sometimes avoid the danger completely.
<span>Answer: a. Ted and Kellie
celebrated their wedding outside in the Florida heat surrounded by friends and
sentence above is an example of a simple sentence. There are three basic types
of sentences, the simple, the compound and the complex sentence. A
simple sentence is made up of the basic elements of a sentence, the subject and
the verb and of course it expresses a complete thought. The other type of
sentences such as compound sentence is made up of two complete thoughts that
are being joined by a conjunction. On the other hand, the complex sentence
contains dependent and independent clauses.</span></span>
C. She finally enjoys daydreaming about the future.
Mrs. Mallard is told that her husband has died. At first she is shocked and saddened by the revelation, but then she begins to think that now that her husband has died she is free to live her dreams. She begins to dream of the future that awaits her and realizes that she likes to make plans about everything she will accomplish without the burden of marriage and without the intrusion of others.
govgpcgocgocgo go govg ogc9cgocg9 for a few years in my life I was in my