It was forgotten in it's time because no one cared about being civil and listening to what EVERYONE wanted and being at peace with one another. They thought fighting in a war would help them simmer their dispute. Today, we don't fight over lands and things as much as we used to. While South America and North America are still fighting, *not in a huge war* it's not the same as it was then.
Infrastructure is the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.
The second one man. I believe that's the answere
The answer to your question is,
Continents on the east side could fit snugly against those on the west.
-Mabel <3
C. 25%
Before entering the civil war, confederates states tried to spread a propaganda that only 1% of Southerners own slaves. But, According to the census that conducted by the US government 1860, around 25% of southerners own slaves.
Not a lot of them were being put in plantation as workers (usually only wealthy business owners can afford this). Most of slave owners at that time own slaves as an equivalent of a housemaid. They helped with the chores, taking care of stables, cook, etc.