Actor-a person who portrays a character in a play
Climax- the point in a plot where the interest, tension, and excitement are highest.
Conflict- the problem or struggle in a story
Dialogue – speech between characters in a play
Narrator – a person who tells a story; often spoken in the 3rd person, but may also
be from the 1st person point of view
Playwright – a person who writes the action, dialogue, and directions for movement
in a play
Pantomime – the use of body movements and facial expressions to portray a
character or situation
Plot – a sequence of events that forms a story or drama; problem and solution
Scenery – painted boards, screens, or three-dimensional units that form the
background of a play and enclose the acting area
Script – a copy of a play that provides stage directions and dialogue
Set – the scenery, props, and furniture onstage; also a term for placing props and
Stage directions – an instruction written as part of the script of a play, indicating
stage actions, movements of performers, or production requirements
Stage left - The left side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the
Stage right - The right side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the
Theme – the message a play or drama communicates about its subject, such as
“greed will lead to trouble”
Tone – the use of inflection to communicate feelings
The Anglo-Saxon traditions illustrated in Beowulf accurately represent the Anglo-Saxon traditions of the time period. This is accomplished through the distinct correlation of heroic characteristics between Beowulf and the culture’s traditional depiction of an Anglo-Saxon hero. Anglo-Saxons believed that, “to be a hero was to be a warrior” (Garcia). They…show more content…
Humbleness was also key for an Anglo-Saxon hero as it proved respectability and honor towards the hero. Anglo-Saxons wanted their hero to prove their strength and courage, however, they did not want the hero to become a dictator of any kind. Strong friendships were known as the most trustable alliances an Anglo-Saxon hero could form for battles (Trekker2392). It was key for an Anglo-Saxon hero to have the ability to create strong friendships around him. Beowulf perfectly identifies to all five of these main characteristics throughout the epic poem. Courage, bravery, and strength are three heroic Anglo-Saxon characteristics that tie together perfectly. Without courage, you will not have strength and bravery. Without strength and bravery, you will not have the courage to face your challenges. Anglo-Saxons believed three of these characteristics were perfectly interwoven in the ideal Anglo-Saxon hero (Garcia).
I hope this helps you a bit!! If you need any explanation as to anything I included, feel free to comment!! If you think this was a good response, please consider giving me a good rating and/or brainliest!!