Aerosol -
It is the suspension of the solid or liquid particles in the air , is known as the aerosol .
The effect of aerosol is , that it reduces the amount of the solar radiations incident on the surface of the Earth , and due to this capacity to reflect the solar radiations , it has a negative impact on the Earth .
Hence ,
The effect of aerosol is weaker than the GHG's .
Answer: A. Earth and the Moon share many compositional characteristics
According to the giant impact theory, the Moon formed when an object of the size of Mars and geologically similar to Earth (which was called Theia by scientifics) crashed into the primitive Earth. With this collision, vaporized pieces of the crust of the young Earth were thrown into space. After this, the expelled particles were united by the action of gravity, creating the Moon.
This theory could explain in a certain way the reason why the Moon is predominantly composed of elements similar to those found on Earth, but lighter, making it less dense than Earth, since the material that formed it came from the crust, leaving the rocky core of the planet intact. This was verified by the samples of rocks brought from the Apollo missions, which indicate that it is composed mostly of the same components of the Earth.
The sun and the Earths core
An individual sector of <span>Integrated Resource Management will provide an Impact Statement that provides the potential effects of a project on an area's resources.
Answer: A. </span><span>Impact Statements</span>
The lunar eclipse happens when the Moon goes through the Earth's shadow. Earth dependably has a shadow, which is made by the Sun. On those uncommon events when the Moon, Earth and the Sun are altogether arranged perfectly, the Moon goes through this shadow.This would happen each full moon if the Moon circled around the Earth in an indistinguishable plane from the Earth circles around the Sun.