He was following a trail of drug dealers in Alabama who he believed were linked to Cade's (Clayne Crawford) disappearance.
Answer: Flappers.
Flappers of the 1920s were young women known for their energetic freedom, embracing a lifestyle viewed by many at the time as outrageous, immoral or downright dangerous. Now considered the first generation of independent American women, flappers pushed barriers in economic, political and sexual freedom for women.
This story of Icarus is a Greek Myth.
- In the story Daedalus was captivated in an island. He tried to escape from the island with his son. He made wings with feathers and fixed them with wax. Then he attached the wings on him and his son, Icarus.
- He warned Icarus not to fly too high as the sun would melt the wax and not to fly too low, as the winds from the sea would dampen the feathers. Icarus was too excited and enjoyed the thrill of cool air on his face. The wax melted and he fell into the sea.
- He took bold and risky action disregarding the advice given by knowledgeable person. They both saw risk as a challenge which could be met with their skills.