Yo can use “como” to compare. For example you can say, “sus ojos brillan como la luna” you are comparing the eyes with the moon.
los ojos, eyes
I see with my eyes. Technically that would be "Yo miro con mis ojos" but if you translate it exactly it would say "I see with the eyes" Anyway, the important thing you need to know is that the correct answer is los ojos. Labios are lips, orejas are ears and piernas are legs.
1. Den saludos a su madre
2. Esté listo para sacudir muebles.
3. Almuercen en el comedor.
4. No sirvan el almuerzo
5.Vuelva a la oficina, por favor
The exercise is aiming for the usage of verbs conjugated in the imperative form. The imperative (imperativo) is used to give commands or orders. You may recognize the imperative from commands such as oye or repite. It is one of three moods in the Spanish language. Unlike the other moods, the imperative is not divided into tenses. Keep in mind that the imperative is a very direct way to give an order. It is often replaced with more polite alternatives like the conditional.
Here is the translation of the sentences:
1. Give greeting to your mother.
2. Be ready to shake off the furniture.
3. Have lunch in the dining room.
4. Do not serve the lunch.
5. Come back to the office, please.
Here is the conjugation of the verbs given in their imperative form
Tú dá
Él/Ella dé
Nos demos
Vos dad
Ellos/as den
Tú está
Él/Ella esté
Nos estemos
Vos estad
Ellos/as esten
Tú almuerzá
Él/Ella almuerce
Nos almorcemos
Vos almorzad
Ellos/as almuercen
Tú sirve
Él/Ella sirva
Nos sirvamos
Vos servid
Ellos/as sirvan
Tú vuelve
Él/Ella vuelva
Nos volvamos
Vos volved
Ellos/as vuelvan
A-a-ay, cómo me duele
A-a-ay, cómo me duele