B. Instead of being about the shark king's marriage and son, scene 2 might be about the shark king's loneliness.
Ged and Ogion.
The first character is Ged who is a powerful magician and dragonlord. He has scars on left cheek and shoulder and has a red-brown skin. Ged was born in the village of Ten Alders which is located on the island of Gont, while on the other hand, Ogion is an forgiving, soft, and understanding man. He is a wise magician who understands the passion and foolishness of youth. His initial sense of Ged's powerful potential never fail, and he continues to support his former learner even years after Ged leaves his side.
A. Three tragedies and one comedy
I'll be honest here, I did not know the answer off the top of my head!
So, I consulted and found this:
"Twenty-five hundred years ago, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedes, and Aristophanes wrote their plays in verse for an annual five- or six-day spring festival of dramatic competition called the Great (or City) Dionysia and dedicated to Dionysus. Three tragedians competed at the festival, each presenting three tragedies and a satyr play* (a tetralogy) over the course of a day; five comedians each presented one play on the last day of the festival.
sun tan
i say sun tan cause thats what i can think of