The Nazi state sought to establish control in many ways, such as when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and made the first Decree which was passed Feb. 28, 1933, the first Decree abolished all rights the people had in Germany such as freedom of speech, press, and assembly. The Decree also set up concentration camps and sent communists and jews there. On March 3rd, 1933 the Enabling Act was passed, the Act established Hitler's dictatorship in Germany, banning all other political parties. The Nazis took control of the military, media, and judiciary matters of the country. this Act also granted the Gestapo, the Secret Service, and the police large amounts of authority over society, this allowed the Gestapo detain people in their torture chambers, send them to concentration camps and deport them at will.
A huge drop in stock markets. Companies being to fail, causing workers to be laid off. Thus, causes the worker to not have money for food for them/their family, which may result in death.
I’m pretty sure it was in 1988 if I’m not wrong
The Enlightenment thinker Baron de Montesquieu came up with the idea of 'Separation of Powers' in order to make sure that one person does not hold a lot of power.
The theory of ''Separation of Powers'' was poplar among the founding fathers of the United States and became a part of the US constitution and many other constitutions around the world.
As a child growing up, he had heard about the Glorious revolution take place in Great Britain and at home saw how after the death of Louis XIV, the Kingship was given to a 5 year old.
These events had a tremendous impact on his life and his political views.
In the 13 British colonies of North America, he was seen as a strong political thinker and his theories had a profound impact on the early US presidents.
Thomas Jefferson used the thoughts first penned by John Locke while writing the Declaration of Independence. The phrase "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness," was an idea first considered by Locke in his Two Treatises on Government.
source: constitution facts