he rhyme pattern is ABAAB, and the meter is iambic.
La respuesta correcta es computadoras, ya que la oración afirmativa dice que es efectivamente posible: “Se puede comprar muchas computadoras en el mercado de Chichicastenango”. Por la información expuesta no se puede saber mucho más puesto que es limitada. Sin embargo, frente a las opciones de computadoras, artesanías, sacerdotes y Tuk-tuks, la respuesta más acertada sería “Computadoras”.
“An Encounter” suggests that although people yearn for escape and adventure, routine is inevitable, and new experiences, when they do come, can be profoundly disturbing. The narrator and his friends play games about the Wild West to disrupt the rote activity of school, and venture into Dublin for the same reason.
Answer: Motivational.
Explanation: This service announcement is directed towards kids. It's trying to encourage and motivate them to conserve energy. You can also use the process of elimination to cross out "aggressive" and "angry." It's not showing any strong emotions either, so it's not emotional.
A filtering service could save the newspaper industry by allowing consumers to filter out the content they are not interested in.
The author says that there is SO much content online it is impossible to read it all. By creating filtering services that allow consumers to choose their content based on interests, the newspaper industry could be saved. The author says there is a demand for publishing based on an individual's preferences.
The author compares this to editing in writing -- a filtering service is just editing content.